Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Thank you!

Thanks to so many of you for being there for us! I am really and truly a dreadful person when it comes to replying to emails, sending thank you cards, etc. Being across the world from most of you makes it that much more complicated. But there are a few of you,  who I’m thinking of right now that I need to mention.

Bev and Marv, from Living Word, your package got here in a record two weeks! Thanks so much for thinking of us. Knowing that we’re in your thoughts and prayers really means a lot. Enjoying the candy! It had been a long time since we’d received a package via the mail, and it was fun to find this in our box at IGo. I wanted to email you personally but can’t seem to dig up your email address. I hope you read this.

Craig and Rachel, I am very thankful for the big pink slippers even though Jube thinks they’re his and I even had to chase Dru out of them once. The Starbucks was great, too! We are missing you all very muchly. Come back.

There are those of you who quietly support us. Some of you we don’t even feel like we know you personally very well, but consistently support us. (Like you, Bethany!) And though we don’t say thank you like we want, here’s to say we appreciate it so so much! It means more to us than dollars. It means to us that there are people keeping us in their thoughts and lifting us up in prayer; people that believe in our vision, and are committed to advancing Christ's Kingdom. That means a lot.

Thanks to our families. Dru’s family has sent several packages of the miles over the years. This latest one was a lot of fun. Wish I could say how fun it is to get a package from home! It’s lovely. Even if I can hardly get the zipper to operate thanks to large stuffed dog fur getting in the way. Smile The ongoing counsel and support means a lot, too.

My dad has spent many a Sunday morning, when he really should be getting ready for church, hashing things out with Dru, helping us to see what the next step should be. We don’t know either why crisis point always comes on your Sunday morning—but thanks for taking that time to be a sounding board for us.

Our home church has consistently been taking care of us through thick and thin this past year. We know we’ve been in your prayers. Hearing from Delvin, LaMar, both of our dads, and Clark, via phone was good. Thank you.

IGo too has been tremendous support for us too. We have said numerous times that Lee and Joyce have been just the right people for us at this time of our lives here. God knew who we needed. Thanks to you both for being here.

And there are more of you, I know! God bless and you as you have us. Thanks. (Lisl)

Monday, 5 December 2011

Prayer Card and Prayer Requests

We now have an updated prayer card. A special thank to Darren and Lisa Strubhar for their special gift of a family photo shoot.
Click on the picture, and then right-click to download a full-size image.

Do you want to pray for us today?

  • I was sick all weekend with a nasty stomach/cold/headache bug. We really don't want Lisl to get this!
  • I'm meeting with Mae Wan for our regular Bible study. We're in the middle of John 4, and it's pretty challenging. She has no context for the Scriptures--things like "Living Water", "thirst no more", and even "Jacob's Well" are all concepts that we struggle to understand together. Pray that the Holy Spirit would make the Word alive to her, and that we could understand each other well. Pray that I would trust the Spirit abiding in her heart, rather than my own wisdom. 

Welcome to our Family Blog

So....Dru has a blog, Lisl has a blog....why do you need a family blog????? Well, it's more of a ministry blog. We're hoping to make it easier for people to get information about our work, our prayer needs, and to support us more easily.

We hope to post our newsletters, prayer requests, and prayer cards up here. So have a look around, and give some feedback!